Wall Side

Wall Side

Night. A dark night.
Spots of diamonds were shining in the sky in the beautiful perfect night. I felt immensely happy. I jumped onto the wall side of the bed. I know it's her side. I know she would claim it as her side. She would fight for it. She came and she fought for it. She fought with a pillow and I love her. With her light soft hands she smashed my chin, then she retreated with a slight smile. She touched my chin. Playfully, I took her in my arms and took her to the wall side. I landed a kiss on her eyes. Droplets fell from her hair and spilled water on my face.

   Rooms became shady ,untidy , He is infront of me ,my room mate, my cellmate,he spilled glass of water on my face,I struggled to realise it was dream.Everyone here in jail was struggling, with
remorse,everyone wished for nights to come, nights were dreamy and new reality

I stared at stars ,peeped into sky, another night among the countless nights,I  left a space ,space for her,space for my Jia,wall side in my bed, I wished to see her. Millions of voices and faces come back to back,one after the other,then my mind was in silence,I asked myself ,why did I kill her,why did I kill Jia?

I thought about that mad night,a sense of doubt,drugs rushing through my veins, my mistake!
Haste and hysteria for blood and flair of doubt ,possessiveness.Nothing is dangerous than a man in love,spark of doubt ,it ate me up, my life and hers.

Would it be mad if I still love her,would it be mad if I miss her madly,if I leave a space in my bed on wall side

Some night ,she would  come next to me,she would touch my face and fondle my hair ,then she would say  to me that "wall side" was hers!!!


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