

It was a lazy Sunday morning, Varidman woke up at 5 am as usual. He slid from the bed carefully and made sure that he didn’t wake her up. He took a moment and watched her sleep; calm and peaceful. With a smile on his face, he started his day. While sipping his coffee, he scrolled through his mobile screen. His eyes got caught on the news about the terrorist attack in the border. He knew there were tensions in the border, this time 37 killed in suicide bombing. Anger and sadness mounted up. He thoughts were interrupted by a call, “Mr. Varidman, you have to resume your duty immediately”, the voice on the other side commanded. Varidman is one of the most efficient pilots in the country. He bid good byes to his newly wedded wife who stood with tears in her eyes and smile on her face.


Rubble and dirt, smell of the chemical explosives, blurred vision and deafened ears, Varidman was tied to the parachute, he could barely walk. His jet was shot down. It was getting dark, he limped to forest, trying to find a place to hide. He was parched, and the pain was excruciating from the broken leg. He dragged himself and camouflaged behind a tree. He closed his eyes. He could still see the happiness on his mother’s face when he decided to get married. She was so cheerful. He was startled by the gasp of a man. It was coming from the other side of the tree. Varidman cautiously turned and took a glance. The man had a broken leg as well; “Water..”, he mumbled. Varidman slowly moved closer, his leg was bleeding. Disturbingly, he noticed, the man was wearing the uniform of his enemy. A bag lay nearby, the man was trying to reach it without any luck. “Should I help him ?”, He thought.


Without showing his face, Varidman whispered, “I am from your enemy country, do you want me to help you?” The man cried in agony, “I have no weapons with me, please get me water”. Hesitant, Varidman moved to the bag and, threw the bottle to him. The man drank water, took his breath and said “I am Majid, I am one among the soldiers who shot you down and now you, from the enemy country, had to help me”. “Enemy country?” chuckled Varidman. Both in their late 30s, serving the country, talked about their families and life and about the war

Hours passed. Majid felt restless. “Can you help me to remove my shoes? I can’t feel my leg. “. Varidman removed the shoes and asked, “Am I still your enemy?” Both laughed.

 “Two seeds for the same plants were sown in soil. When the plants grew, they were moved into two pots with the same soil. Each plant now claim their pot is the best and better than the other in every aspect.” Said Varidman.

Majid sighed, “How absurd!!”.” Absurd?”, Varidaman replied. “We do the same do same”.

How are these boundaries made?

Who is the enemy?


A new dawn started to rise from the horizon


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