Coffee and Paperboats

Coffee and paper boats

Heavy rains, lighting, and thunder erupted, scaring Nimmy awake. The rain was falling on the roof tiles, and it sounded like hailstones; were they actually hailstones? Nimmy moved from the warmth of her blanket to the window, where raindrops were creating patterns on the window panes, one after the other, multiple designs, and she peered at street lights. Golden drops and yellow lights pouring to the earth, blending into the stream. She discovered a frail paper boat trapped on the edges of a newly formed stream, a weak, wrecked, and directionless paper boat battling the stream's rough flow.

Shanu was desperately folding paper, attempting to make a paper boat; crumbled papers littered the floor as martyrs of his failed attempts; with his small hands, he eventually succeeded; with the new paper boat, he raced outdoors; in the rain, he located a stream to launch his craft. Shanu giggled, and Nimmy couldn't stop herself from laughing. She hurried into the house, grabbed a towel, and dried his head with pure love.

A flash of lightening and a loud rumbling, coldness pierced her feet, she came back from her thoughts, she looked around the room, a big hall and the line of beds, room smell like medicines. Old women, widowed mothers sleeping peacefully, children whom were their universe for whom they worked, lived now put them into this room, waiting for the death. Some moment we all become useless, a burden for their progressive life. Shanu’s smiling face came into her mind, she couldn’t stop crying, tears ran through her cheeks like the raindrops on the window panes 
She looked again through the window, paper boat was heavy and started to drown, gradually it sunk

She wished for a warm hug and a touch on her wrinkled face, a cup of coffee, and someone to talk to as sadness and coldness overtook her entire body. She strolled to the balcony, numb and dejected. She grinned as she touched the rains from the balcony, which splashed on her face and made her wrinkled face wet.

She heard footsteps and turned back with terror as the first ray of sunrise dyed the sky dark blue fusing with orange sunshine. She saw a handsome old man in his 70's with a welcoming grin, lift a steam filled cup against her, and ask her Coffee??


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