A stone from sky

Lazy mornings,depiction of a holiday,no rush ,no hurry,kids playing around in streets. I switched on the TV and sipped my steamed, brimming coffee and checked my Facebook feeds.The news channel and fb feeds Were about the same issue,too much hate spitting through the comments and shares,ease of my mind descend and hate started to fume in my mind

Why did they?
How they can?
Why did the mob killed someone jutse because he bought beef?
Its ridiculous
Its barbaric
Hate ,hate I felt hate towards them ,the whole community  ,the society .
Darkness,contempt spread revenge is what I seek ,
I started to share in facebook,comments ,shares,
Hate hate !!!
Something inside started to battle  me with in  ,my vision blurred I ran out from my room ,Tv was still on and I rushed to breathe , battling the  hate it felt like I would vomit,I went out screamed and cried for help ,it was cold outside and it began to rain,I walked in rain ,hail storm. Something huge hit on my head ,it pained terribly thought my head  was bleeding, a stone ! A stone from the sky

I took the stone in my hand ,my vision blurred ,I hold the stone tight , I thought I would collapse now, I was weak and I would turn unconscious, I closed my eyes, I stood still in hailstorm with stone in my hand
I slowly opened my eyes my vision become clear and clarity was the best I felt ever,this stone is special
With bang inside my head
l went back to room slowly ,but strangely I forgot about  my religion ,my caste , my existence and who I am
Tv was still on ,I switched the channel ,with same news each had a different story to tell,each hurt the sentiments of their targeted audience
From whom I will know the truth ?
Who I right?
What is the truth?
Why some  propagate lies ?
What they want ?

People spread hate , shares negativity,darkness , rotten,laughing inner demons,blood shed 
I had th worst head spin , I fall asleep, I didn't had any sense of time ,I must have slept for hours
I opened my Eyes with ease.my fist is closed, I opened it I couldn't find the stone .

I looked at the TV , it was debating the issue again,hate is spread ,furious again,darkness and hate again spread in air,a aura in me,aura of love and happiness kept me isolated from half baked truths and lies .A aura from the stone in sky


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