Who Am I?

Heavy head and the unrest in mind, i didn’t know what was going around, series of tremors in my head  and pain creeped into my brain.
A hospital bed and some faded faces surrounded me some claim me and i was their son,brother and lover , but i couldn’t identify them i felt like i was in a different skin it suffocated me. 
and question pondered again and again.All i could give was a expression of my helplessness to them 

I tried to recollect , every last thing in my brain , i end up in tears and in black hole of my memory , i started fade into nothingness

I wanted to disapper
then i left  the bed

I ran, i ran  a lot ,in different paths ,many miles and i look back i was gone far ,i never wanted to run back , destination was a luxury , that i could ask for , i didn’t had any. A long run with a new skin
then i settled , it was serene and green, the air of wet soil,it drizzled and i saw rainbow, the colours that vivid in the nature,i look around it was only me, 
i was low ,sense of loneliness arise and breath was restless, 
Again i started to question my mind , i screamed with the thundering clouds, I asked myself  
Who am i??
Silence ,question unanswered ........


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